Currently recruiting exceptional players for Cataclysm.
We are recruiting highly active and social players to enrich multiple raiding teams. We are not looking for raid loggers. All classes and specs are welcome to prove their ingame and social skills to become a part of our community.
Each raiding tier is divided into three phases:
During farm: Wednesday 19:00-23:00 + Sunday 19:00-23:00 During progression: Dynamically adding raid days, never Friday and Saturday
Loot Council – Based on attendance, performance and priority
HUGE plays 2 times per week for a total of 8 hours.
Day | Start | Duration |
Wed | 18:00 | 4 hours |
Sun | 18:00 | 4 hours |
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HUGE is recruiting!
Raids, PvP, Social, Dungeons
What activities is HUGE recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in HUGE?